Settling In

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been buzzing around like a little worker bee. I’ve been super busy, not just with my writing, but there’s been so much happening in my personal life: moving  (for the second time this year), the death of a loved one (for the second time this year) and trying to settle into our lives.

We’re just about situated in our new apartment and our routine. Even though I’m never one to shy away from change, I must admit it feels good to be almost settled.

I’ve started meeting up with my friend and critique partner again and last month I attended the monthly meeting with my writers group for the first time since December of 2011. My professional life finally feels…normal again.

With everything I have been through in the past six months or so, I know it’s going to take a while longer for my personal life to feel normal again. Or as normal as anyone’s personal life ever feels.

In this time of settling in, my hope is that I’ve experienced enough change for a while and things finally start settling down.